Challenging 2022
Learn about 2022 for C-Job Nikolayev. Director Andrey Zherebetsky speaks about challenging year, the continued growth of the company, and plans for 2023.
Challenging 2022
Andrey Zherebetsky
Questions answered
What life principle has made your business what it is today? | 0:18 |
What traditions do you have in the company? | 0:37 |
How and where did the war catch you? | 1:59 |
Considering the complete confusion and chaos that surrounded you at the beginning, how did you adjust to new work conditions? | 2:17 |
What was the best decision that you made in 2022? | 3:44 |
How has motivation changed over the past year? | 4:38 |
How does the remote work affect productivity? | 5:24 |
Were there any actions or inactions that your employees did that bothered or disappointed you? | 6:44 |
How did your 2022 come to an end? | 6:55 |
How do you envision the year 2023? | 7:55 |
Imagine being able to collaborate with or include any company in any project anywhere in the world, which one would you choose? | 8:33 |
How can young people be involved? What must be done to make the profession of a marine engineer more prestigious or desirable? | 9:39 |
What did you discover late in your life that you wish you had learnt sooner? | 10:22 |
Is C-Job Nikolayev a lifelong endeavor or merely a stop on the path to a goal? | 10:49 |
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